Restaurants in Geneva

Combine the best wines with tasty regional dishes

As Geneva‘s great local wines and high-standard food combine so well, the city has become the culinary capital of Switzerland.

An unforgettable traditional dish is the classic filets de perche; a small fish usually fished directly from the Lake Léman, seasoned with herbs and garlic and served with French fries.

Geneva offers you numerous haute cuisine restaurants, but this is not all. You will also be able to find very sympathetic regional restaurants called bistros, serving you the local “cuisine du terroir“.

While visiting Geneva, take a break from sightseeing and have a nice meal in one of these restaurants.

  • Alliance Gourmande, Address: Place de Grenus 10, 1201 Geneva — Phone: +41 (0) 22 901 10 03
  • Café de Paris, Address: Rue du Mont-Blanc 26, 1201 Geneva — Phone: +41 (0) 22 732 84 50
  • Chez Kei, Address: Route de Malagnou 6, 1208 Geneva — Phone: +41 (0) 22 346 47 89
  • La Truffe Noire, Address: Boulevard Georges-Favon 4, 1204 Geneva — Phone: +41 (0) 22 800 03 82

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