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City shopping in Geneva

Chocolate, jewellery and luxurious watches

Geneva has a gigantic assortment of shops and stores so it has something to offer for everyone and every taste. The two main chain department stores, which are also present in every big city of Switzerland, are called Manor and Globus. Geneva with all its watch manufacturers is considered as the capital of watches and is the heart for sumptuous jewellery. Most of these luxurious and designer goods can be found in the streets Rue du Rhône and Rue de Rive, where these fine shops are located.

On the other side, the old town gorges small but very friendly artistic shops. And for something totally different you may want to take a look at the bi-weekly flea market that takes place on the Plaine de Plainpalais.

Shops open already at 9 am and usually close at 7 pm except on Thursdays when they close at 9 pm (after-hours shopping) and on Saturdays at 6 pm. Shops are generally closed on Sundays, except for a few small convenience stores.

Before leaving, do not forget to grab yourself some Swiss chocolate. Geneva has many master chocolate confectioners, whose treats you will simply have to taste and bring back home to your family and friends.

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