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Basler Herbstmesse

The Basler Herbstmesse (or Herbschtmäss) is Basel’s famous Autumn Fair, which starts around the end of October and lasts for two weeks.

Thousands of people from the Upper Rhine region, as well as from all over Switzerland and since recently even from the rest of Europe, visit Basel during these days to experience the unique atmosphere of Basel’s Herbstmesse.

The Fair takes place in seven locations in the city centre, as well as in Basel’s exhibition centre. Each of these locations features a different theme, and visitors can choose between traditional markets, funfair spots and delicious Swiss food stalls! Visitors can easily move from one location to the other on foot or by public transport (tram, bus).

2014 Dates: October 25 at exactly 12:00 o’ clock – November 9, in the city centre, but the Fair goes on for two more days (until November 11, 2014) at Saint Peter’s Square (Petersplatz).

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