Jean Tinguely Museum post image

Jean Tinguely Museum

Jean Tinguely was a Swiss painter, sculptor and experimental artist. He was born in 1925 in Fribourg, but he grew up in Basel and later on he moved to France to pursue his career in art. The museum, entirely dedicated to his work, was built by the Swiss architect Mario Botta, and this in itself is already worth seeing. Behind this modern museum architecture is hidden the ingenious and eccentric work of master Tinguely. His famous kinetic sculptures, made entirely with recycled materials, scrutinise in an ingenious and touching manner the irresponsible overproduction of material goods in the modern heavily-industrialised society. Tinguely gave life to dead materials through colour, movement and sound.

Address: Paul Sacher-Anlage 1, 4002 Basel — Phone: +41 (0) 61 681 93 20 — Internet: Museum Tinguely

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