Basel’s Cathedral (Münster) post image

Basel’s Cathedral (Münster)

The Basler Münster

Basel’s fabulous Cathedral, called The Münster, was built between the eleventh and sixteenth century and it is one of the main late-Romanesque landmarks of the city.

In 1356, the Cathedral was ruined by an earthquake and it was rebuilt by Johannes Gmünd, who also built the Freiburg Münster. Since then, the Cathedral is regularly restored in order to keep its sumptuous Gothic exterior and Romanesque interior intact.

In its northern aisle, you will find the tomb of the famous Renaissance humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam, who lived and died in Basel.

Location: Münsterplatz, 4051 Basel — Phone: +41 (0) 61 271 21 82

Münsterplatz, 4051 Basle, Switzerland

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