Paul Klee Center

Paul Klee (1879-1940) was a multi-talented person, who devoted his life to arts, music, teaching and poetry. He is actually one of the twentieth century’s most significant artists and spent more than half of his life in Bern. The Paul Klee Center (German: Zentrum Paul Klee) is more than a simple museum, it is an internationally-renowned monument and it is dedicated to this famous artist. The contemporary building is already an eye-catcher and regroups more than forty per cent of Paul Klee‘s work, which makes it the biggest collection of a single artist of world renown. Furthermore, the centre has a children’s museum for the small ones aged from four and over to catch a glimpse at the world of art.

Address: Monument im Fruchtland 3, 3000 Bern — Phone: +41 (0) 31 359 01 01 — Internet: Paul Klee Center in Bern

Monument im Fruchtland 3, 3006 Berne, Switzerland

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